Film Screening, "Day of the Lords"
Screening of the short stop-motion animated film Day of the Lords.
Screened at Handlebar, Kensington Market, Toronto.
Film Screening, "Metamorphosis"
Screening of the short stop-motion animated film Metamorphosis.
Screened at Handlebar, Kensington Market, Toronto.
Group Exhibition for the Toronto Biennial of Art Unknowing Unknowable, "No Lungs"
Installation, Oil Painting.
OCAD University, Toronto.
Film Screening, "Heavy Rotation"
Screening of a collaborative rotoscope short-film Heavy Rotation.
Screened at Ignite Gallery, Augusta Avenue, Toronto.
Collective Installation for One by One, "Totem Apparitions"
Photography and mixed media installation.
Independent Art Show, Ossington Avenue, Toronto.
Narratives Through Digital Space, "Eulogy for Mother Earth"
Digital media installation, Online exhibition.
Big Art TO, "Day of the Dead"
Projection mapped screening of the animated film Eternity in a Wildfire,
R.C Harris Water Treatment Plant, Toronto.
Long Winter, "Together, Apart"
Sweetfruit Collective Exhibition, Oil Paintings in glass.
St Anna's Church, Gladstone Ave, Toronto.